Ben: “Playing video games has been my biggest hobby since I can remember. Have made many great friends through a shared passion of gaming which is one of the main reasons which inspired me and Al to co-found AMOLAG. Looking forward to some great community nights and to kicking ass on…. i’ll get back to you on that!”
Regular Guests
Phil: “I’m rubbish. I mean, seriously rubbish. My kill /death ratio in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is so pathetically negative that scientists at CERN probably stand more chance of discovering the Higgs Boson than I do of getting a number on the left-hand side of the decimal point. I sank many hours into Mass Effect, mainly because I forgot to save before major encounters and it’s a long way back from autosave points.
That said, I love gaming and I’m getting a bit more uninhibited about
online multiplayer – so if you fancy picking up a few cheap goals on Pro
Evolution Soccer, I’m your man….”
- Holly: “A girl geek unleashed, avid gamer and gun slinger extraordinaire. My hobbies are gaming, especially on the Xbox (here’s to hoping i never have to choose between saving my friends or my Xbox…..cos i’d have no friends left!) Airsoft (put it this way, you’re more likely to find me IN the mud then having a mud pack treatment) and Poker (using God’s gifts as weapons of mass distraction) Or am i just bluffing with my muffin? ;-)”
- Chris: “I’m the ginger one. Techie and graphics extraorinaire. Doesn’t mean I’m the best at things, just means I know loads of random stuff that no one else does (or wants to!).
Into immersive storylines in first person shooters which is probably why Half Life became such a big part of me. F.E.A.R. is up there along with L4D, Splinter Cell, Far Cry (original) and Rainbow Six: Vegas. Also have a soft spot for puzzle and exploration based games like the Myst series, Portal 1&2, Limbo and Braid”
Kev: “Most likely to find me wheeling and dealing and looking for a good bargain for my Xbox or Playstation. I’m open minded but would say that I love first person shooters and racing games the most. Have been playing video games for over 30 years so have experienced gaming since it first properly started!”
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